Deva vegan digestive support description: enzymes and herbs high potency vegan certified all vegan, full-spectrum, high potency digestive aid to support the body's own digestive capacities. Enzymes break down the nutritional components of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, making these nutrients available for the body. Deva digestive support is perfectly formulated to contain a unique blend of enzymes and herbs that provides activity throughout all of the various ph levels encountered in the gut. Free of animal products, derivatives or byproducts. Disclaimer these statements have not been evaluated by the fda. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. country of origin : united states is dairy free : yes is gluten free : yes is fair trade item : yes is wheat free : yes is yeast free : yes size : 90 vcap pack of : 1 selling unit : each